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Order NowWhen was the last time you flipped through your yearbook? A year or two? Five years? Maybe it dates all the way back to signing day. Better yet, maybe it was a couple years ago during your high school reunion. If it’s been a while, it’s time to dig through your things, dust it off, and show your child a piece of your history by hosting your first ever Family Yearbook Night.
Yearbook Night can be a lot like family game night. Pull out those old yearbooks from elementary school, high school — maybe even college — and start flipping through the pages. For many of you, this could be the first time your child has seen a book with so many black-and-white photos! For others, it may be the first time your child sees the epic fashion from the days gone by. Here are some fun ideas on how to take Family Yearbook Night to the next level:
The first person to find a mullet style haircut wins, and they get to pick the next category to search for. Many old yearbooks include outdated technology like Walkmans or Discmans — you can point out these relics to children who are in school now.
Each person can take turns reading some of the fun, hilarious, and memorable messages from teachers and friends who signed your yearbook. This is a great way for you to remember, and gives your family a glimpse of your past — they might even find a love note to recite!
While the intent of Family Yearbook Night is to have fun and bond over memorable photos and stories, this time together also creates the opportunity to talk about where you came from. Flipping through may have reminded of a story you want to share, or a life lesson you learned that you may have forgotten about.
If you see some old-time content that deserves to a make another appearance, make sure you take a picture and share it on social media. Who doesn’t love to be tagged in a Throwback Thursday? Better yet, take a picture of your family participating in this fun activity and encourage your friends to do the same! Don’t forget to tag @jostensyearbook or use the hashtag #familyyearbooknight
Overall, no matter how you decide to spend your time turning the pages of your yearbook(s), take the time to laugh about it. Yearbooks have all sorts of old school traditions, funny hairdos, and memories that are worth looking back on.
With a Jostens yearbook, you’re able to treasure the names, faces and events that make this time so special.